Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Meeting up with friends feels great

Having met my friends from Perth, Edmund, Yeeshuang & Daniel, I really felt great. Most of them I can only probably meet once a year. Its a pity that Yunyen was in such a rush to return to Perth. Missed her during her vacation back here during Chinese New Year. Well, there will be other chances. All the best over there! Still haven met Dave yet though. He is probably busy.

Speaking of which, I haven meet any of my much older friends. Friends I had made before flying to Perth 3 years ago. Hope they haven forgotten me. Most of them are either still in University or already working. Time flies. I haven met older friends from Perth as well, those from Year 1 and 2. Hmmm... guess there is still time. Now I have to concentrate on getting my career started. Being a NEET is neat... ONLY if you are rich. Being a broke NEET is excruciating. I need money! I need to get myself an iPhone, a new desktop, Ultra-portable laptop, a PSP or PS3. And an RX8! ARGH! I am such a materialistic person. tsk tsk...

Speaking of RX-8, this year, the 8 gets a face lift. I am still deciding if I like the new or old look. But here are some pictures for you to decide yourself. The below pictures are fitted with Mazdaspeed Kit.






Anonymous said...

Bro...remember to give me a test drive in your RX-8 once you get it man. I'll fly back to sit in it! And also your kid bro's "RX-8 parked right down the street".

Psionix said...

Sure thing! But my bro's one abit hard lah. I joined the RX8 Club, one of the member offered to let me check out his ride in these 2 weeks. Yeah!

Anonymous said...


I am in Singapore for a couple of days this week coming, get in Thursday (28/2/08) in the wee hours of the morning (~3am) and am around till Monday (3/3/08). Will have to catch you some time while I am over! Hows everything going anyway?

Psionix said...

yoyoyo, thats definitely great. Lets meet up if you got the free time.Can come my house for a sit too if time permits.

Well, lazing around, looking for jobs. How about you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah being in WA means that I got snapped up in the mining boom straight away - have basically just been working and sleeping ever since uni. Starting to get to grips with it all. My gf is in Singapore for work for three weeks and I am taking the opportunity to take a bit of a tourist break and peek around :) Looking forward to it!