Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sneaking for supper

Its 0030hrs Singapore time now. Just finished eating some spicy duck soup instant noodles cooked by my younger brother. I was already expecting some lost of freedom. But today seems to be the worst.

I used to stayed up all night till the next morning at nine before tucking into bed in Perth. Sometimes I even forgo sleep altogether. Today, after watching Anger Management on Channel 5, my dad insist on us getting into bed. The time was 0000hrs. Little brother was hungry and decides to cook some noodles.

Shortly after cooking them, my dad got out of bed and snapped at everyone asking us to "Go to Bed!" For Haruhi's sake, I am already 24. My younger siblings scrambled to bed. At this point, my dad was unaware of the noodles.

So in the end, each of us have to take turns sneaking to the balcony to eat our share of noodles on a small pathetic plastic table without lights.


It was tasty though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess thats parents. Sometimes That will happen. I say SOMETIMES. Smile and everythng will be gone :)